"Excellence in Christian Education" Est. 1999
The American Evangelical Christian Churches (aka AECC), formed in 1944, is a conservative and evangelical Christian denomination. Members of the AECC have a wide variety of theological views. The AECC is not committed to man-made ecclesiastical standards or doctrines. The AECC does not advocate extremism or fanaticism of any kind. On the other hand, if judged by the Word of God as authoritative, the doctrinal position of the AECC is fundamentally sound and as such, many persons are attracted to it by its evangelical and its orthodox character.
The AECC believes everyone should enjoy the freedom to proclaim the Word of God as imparted to them by the Holy Spirit. Our mission is to serve our immediate church community by implementing the Great Commission as found in Matthew 28: 18-20 and ministering to the needs of Gods people as found in Matthew 25: 35-40. In order to accomplish this we reach out and accept into membership those who believe the Bible to be the infallible, inerrant Word of God and who are called into His ministry.
Our mission is to create a body of believers where we as individuals can realize God in our lives and model, teach, call forth, and celebrate the integrity of the sprit, mind and body in all that we do.